It’s no secret that my heart is in California. I love it for so many reasons. Add this family and canyon roads to the list.
Heather Rome is an amazing stylist and Fashion Editor for Babiekins Magazine. We worked on a little project when I was out in Orange County in May. The first night I went to her house, I pulled up to see Penelope giggling and hula hooping in their front yard. Heather was sitting bare foot on her front step watching. I walked up and she hugged me and said, “Hey!” as if we had known each other since forever. I love connections like that. They are always for good reason and with deeper meaning. We had an awesome weekend working together, but the time I truly loved the most was hanging with her and her incredible family for their family session. There is a lot of love to go around with the five of them…and her husband played the cigfiddle (made out of a cigar box) the entire time. I was in Heaven. They are easy to be around. I left their house my last night in California long after the sun had set. Sad to see a beautiful weekend come to an end…but happy to call her friend. The older I get the more I realize that I don’t need a lot of people…I just need good people. She’s a good one, this one.
I normally don’t separate images, but these black and whites from her session say something all on their own. We shot an hour before we lost light with cloudy skies. They are gritty and grainy and my absolute favorite kind of way to shoot.
Heather, for being you…thank you. So happy I get to call you friend. xo