We are busy planning, scheduling, organizing, and preparing for the upcoming year over here. It seems like a crazy thing to do seeing as it IS the busiest time of year for me, but I’m going to be taking a little hiatus to enjoy my baby boy. He is growing entirely too fast for my liking and I want to savor every moment.
With that being said, I am posting my 2013 travel locations. I scaled back a bit in 2012, but I don’t sit still very well and the travel bug has hit hard. I will be posting specific dates early in 2013, but for now here’s where we’ll be!
I’m a wee bit excited for 2013….a lot of things I’m letting go of photography wise and a lot of things I’m welcoming in and embracing. It’s going to be a good year and I can’t wait to share what we’re working on over here. :)
If you’d like more information on a travel session and what it entails, please e-mail me at krysta@krystamanthe.com. Also note that all travel sessions are stylized sessions that are a vision created by YOU and ME so let’s dream big!
Much Love,
Krysta xo